Loqus Holdings plc - Extraordinary General Meeting

On 20 November 2006 Datatrak Group will be holding an Extraordinary General Meeting. The following resolution shall be put to the members of the Company:

“That the accumulated losses of Lm2,247,018 within the Datatrak Group be offset and absorbed against the share premium account of Datatrak Holdings plc and that accordingly the share premium account of the Datatrak Holdings plc be reduced by Lm2,247,018.”

Shareholders are being invited to resolve on a reduction of the share premium account to offset losses in an amount of Lm2,247,018. This will have the effect of wiping out all accumulated losses and to enable the directors to consider a declaration of dividends once the Group’s business books show distributable profits from operations.

All shareholders whose name is on the register of members at close of business on the 25th October 2006 shall be entitled to receive notice, attend and vote at the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting.