RS2 plc - Acquisition of KALICOM Liebers Zahlungssysteme KG

On 8 January 2020, RS2 Software plc announced the acquisition of KALICOM Liebers Zahlungssysteme KG (“Kalicom”), one of the most successful commercial network operators for electronic, card-based payment systems in Germany. In this respect, RS2 explained that the business of Kalicom is a perfect fit for it to enhance its product portfolio as the acquisition will enable RS2 a quick start into the direct acquiring business with immediate capabilities of selling, installing and servicing terminals and processing card transactions in the German market for small and medium-sized accounts. Moreover, Kalicom will provide RS2 an attractive entry portfolio of more than 4,000 terminals and an existing merchant book.

The acquisition of Kalicom is in line with RS2’s strategic shift from continuing to provide perpetual licences of its platform to managed services, merchant acquiring services and issuing services across the globe. Following the acquisition, Kalicom is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of RS2 Financial Services.