Malta International Airport plc - February Traffic Results

On 5 March, Malta International Airport plc published the February 2014 traffic results. The statistics reveal a 9.3% increase in passenger movements when compared to the same month last year. During the month of February, a new record of 193,225 passengers used the air terminal. The increased passenger traffic was due to a 7% increase in seat capacity combined with a 1.5 percentage point increase in the seat load factor to 72.5%. MIA’s CEO Markus Klaushofer commented that the increased traffic during the winter months reflects the efforts by the various stakeholders in promoting Malta as a year-round destination.

The airport operator also stated that double-digit growth was registered by the Libyan (+29.5%), Italian (+17.4%) and French (+12.5%) markets. Passengers from the UK also increased by 7.6% whilst the German market registered a decrease of 6.8%.