Malta International Airport plc - March Traffic Results

On 4 April, Malta International Airport plc published the March 2014 traffic results. The statistics reveal a 5.7% increase in passenger movements when compared to the same month last year. During the month of March, a new record of 263,363 passengers used the air terminal. The increased passenger traffic was due to a 5.3% rise in seat capacity combined with a stable seat load factor of 78.1%.

The airport operator also stated that double-digit growth was registered by the Libyan (+31.9%), German (+15.1%) and Italian (+14.1%) markets. Passengers from France also increased by 7.7%. On the other hand, the UK market registered a decrease of 2% due to the operation of less flights and reduced capacity on some of the British routes.

1st Quarter Statistics

During Q1 2014, MIA registered an 8.4% increase in passenger movements to 655,942 – a record for the shoulder months. This was mostly due to an increased seat capacity of 7.6%.

The CEO of MIA, Markus Klaushofer stated that the traffic in the first quarter of the year has been very encouraging and the Company remains optimistic for the coming months. Mr Klaushofer further added that MIA is confident that with the introduction of new routes and airlines together with the commitment of its current partners to grow traffic into Malta, MIA will retain this positive trend.