Malta International Airport plc - May Traffic Results

On 4 June, Malta International Airport plc published its May 2014 traffic results. The statistics reveal a 6.4% increase in passenger movements when compared to the same month last year to a record of 402,289 passengers – the first time that passenger movements exceeded 400,000 during the month of May. The increased passenger traffic was due to a 4.9% rise in seat capacity combined with a 1.1 percentage point increase in the seat load factor to 76.5%.

The airport operator explained that traffic from the United Kingdom grew by 8.9%, as a result of the growth being experienced in London Gatwick as well as regional airports in the UK. Traffic from France improved by 21.4% arising from the Paris flights operated by Air Malta and the introduction of a new route from Nantes operated by Transavia. Moreover, traffic from Italy also rose significantly by 13.9% while traffic to and from Germany achieved a similar result to 2013. Additionally, MIA registered a 9.1% increase in traffic towards the Netherlands and significant growth from emerging markets such as Turkey, Hungary and Lithuania.

During the first five months of the year, MIA registered a 9.2% increase in passenger movements to 1,435,312 (2013: 1,314,635).