Malta International Airport plc - June Traffic Results

On 3 July, Malta International Airport plc published its June 2014 traffic results. The statistics reveal a 3% increase in passenger movements when compared to the same month last year to a record of 424,329 passengers. The increased passenger traffic was due to a 4.1% rise in seat capacity which offset the 0.8 percentage point decline in the seat load factor to 76.5%.

The largest growth in passengers during June was registered from the French market with a 19.4% increase in passenger movements following the increase in traffic from Paris airport as well as the growth achieved from the recently introduced route to the western French city of Nantes. Other notable increases emanated from the Netherlands (+6%) and the UK (+3.7%). Meanwhile, despite the substantial increases from routes such as Frankfurt, the German market reported a 10.1% drop in passengers during June largely due to the fact that the Cruise and Fly operation started later this year.

January to June 2014

During the first half of the year, MIA registered a 7.7% increase in passenger movements to 1.8 million when compared to the same period last year. The announcement explained that the French (+17.9%), UK (+6.7%), Italian (reflecting new routes to Parma and Venice) and Libyan markets all registered growth during the period under review. Furthermore, the seat load factor increased by 0.5 percentage points to an average 75.6%.