Malta International Airport plc - July Traffic Results

On 5 August, Malta International Airport plc published its July traffic results revealing a 7.1% increase in passenger movements to 547,970 passengers – an all-time high for the month of July and just short of the highest number of passenger throughput recorded in a month of 551,450 passengers which was registered in August 2014. The growth in passenger traffic in July could be attributed to the 2.4 percentage point increase in the seat load factor to 85.2% as well as a 4.4% increase in aircraft movements.

The largest growth in July emanated from the Italian market with an 11.6% increase when compared to July 2014 on the back of increased passenger numbers to and from Catania and Linate airports. Passengers from the UK also increased by 4.3% to 137,152 as the British market retains its position as Malta’s biggest tourism market with over 700,000 passengers having travelled along the Maltese-British routes so far this year.

Growth was also registered in the German market with a 4.7% increase on the back to strong increases in the Frankfurt route. Meanwhile, passenger numbers from France and Spain dropped by 2.2% and 4.1% respectively.

January to July 2015  

During the first seven months of 2015, MIA registered a 6.9% increase in passenger movements to almost 2.54 million when compared to the same period last year.

MIA revised upwards its passenger forecast for 2015 to +4.6% to an estimated throughput of 4.5 million passengers. The initial estimate for 2015 was for a growth rate of +2%.