Malta International Airport plc - November Traffic Results

On 7 December 2018, Malta International Airport plc published the November 2018 traffic results revealing an 11.8% increase in passenger movements over November 2017 to 453,563 movements. The growth was due to the 10.4% increase in aircraft movements as well as a further growth of 11.5% in seat capacity, reflecting increased frequency of flights and the extension of 12 summer routes into the winter season. In addition, the seat load factor also improved slightly to 79.2% from 79% in the corresponding period last year.

The airport operator also explained that its top five markets remained unchanged, namely the UK, followed closely by Italy, Germany, France and Spain. In this respect, MIA added that the markets of the UK, Italy, France and Spain all registered significant growth ranging from +7.4% (UK) to +66.5% (Spain). The latter was attributable to the extension of the Seville, Valencia and Malaga routes from the summer into the winter season, as well as the increased frequency of direct flights to Barcelona. On the other hand, traffic from Germany eased by a marginal 0.8%.

January – November 2018

From January to November 2018, MIA welcomed 6.39 million passengers, representing an increase of 13.4% over the corresponding period last year. Furthermore, it is worth highlighting that last year, MIA welcomed a total of 6.01 million passengers for all of 2017. Accordingly, MIA has already exceeded last year’s record of total passenger movements by 6.3%.

On 26 July 2018, MIA issued revised passenger and financial projections for 2018 whereby the company lifted its 2018 traffic volume to 6.77 million passenger movements (or +13% over 2017).