Daily Market Highlights (21.12.2022)

Varied movements across local equity trading


 The MSE Equity Price Index eased by 0.03% to 3,538.511 points as the declines in BOV, Farsons, and MaltaPost outweighed the gains of MIA, APS, and MPC. Meanwhile, GO plc held on to the €2.78 level on a single trade of 2,000 shares. Download today’s Equity Market Summary.

MaltaPost plc fell 1% to €0.97 level across five deals totalling 15,000 shares. Yesterday, MaltaPost published its annual report for the financial year ended 30 September 2022. Revenues dropped by 16.9% to €31.5 million largely reflecting the decline in postal revenues amid the full impact of Brexit and EU’s Removal of VAT exemption of all non-EU origin low-cost items. Operating costs decreased by 15.7% to €30.8 million as a result of major cost reduction initiatives implemented by the Company notwithstanding increases in international postal tariffs, airfreight costs, and cost of labour. Overall, MaltaPost reported a net profit of €0.29 million compared to the €1.40 million figure reported in the previous financial year. The net profit for FY2021/22 translates into an earnings per share of €0.0076 (FY2020/21: €0.0372) and a return on equity of 1.0% (FY2020/21: 5.0%). The Directors recommended an unchanged final net dividend of €0.04 per share to all shareholders as at close of trading on Friday 13 January 2023. The dividend will be paid on 16 March 2023 subject to shareholders’ approval at the upcoming Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on 16 February 2023. The Directors are giving shareholders the option to receive the dividend either in cash or by the issue of new shares at the attribution price of €1.09 per share.

Simonds Farsons Cisk plc lost 2.9% to an over 6-month low of €6.80 as 320 shares changed hands.

Bank Of Valletta plc moved 1.2% lower to the €0.83 level across two trades totalling 41,151 shares.

Also in the retail banking sector, APS Bank plc advanced by 3.3% to the €0.62 on heightened activity totalling 75,183 shares, representing 44% of today’s total value of equities traded.

A single trade of 175 shares pushed Malta International Airport plc 0.9% higher to the €5.70 level.

Malta Properties Company plc climbed 1.6% to the €0.50 level albeit on trivial volumes.

The RF MGS Index moved lower for the fifth consecutive session as it fell by 0.13% to 873.799 points reflecting the continued increase in yields across eurozone sovereign bond markets. Data published today showed that the projected consumer confidence in Germany continued to rise for the third straight month, albeit remaining negative overall. Elsewhere, the US 10-year Treasury yield stabilized at around 3.7% following some volatility earlier this week.


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