Malta International Airport plc - August Traffic Results

On 4 September, Malta International Airport plc published the August 2013 traffic results. The statistics reveal a 9.9% increase in passenger movements to 507,646 – the best month ever in the history of the airport. The growth in passenger traffic in August 2013 was due to an 11.2% increase in seat capacity to 597,565 seats which offset the 0.9 percentage point decrease in the seat load factor to 85%.

The airport operator stated that double-digit growth figures in passenger movements were registered by the Italian market with a gain of 17.7%. The French (+9.0%), German (+3.9%) and UK (+1.1%) markets also registered growth during the month under review. Meanwhile, passengers from Spain dropped by 0.2% during the month under review.

January to August 2013

During the first eight months of the year, MIA registered an 8.7% increase in passenger movements to 2,705,436 – a record number of passenger movements during this period. This growth reflects the 8.5% increase in seat capacity to 3.47 million seats as well as a 0.1 percentage point increase in the seat load factor to 78%.

The largest growth in passengers emanated from the Italian (+16.8%) and the French (+10.7%) markets. Passengers from the UK also grew by 3.9% during the first eight months of 2013 whilst those from Germany and Spain contracted by 0.1% and 3.5% respectively.

MIA’s CEO Mr Markus Klaushofer explained that these results are a reflection of the Company’s continuous investment in marketing initiatives and airport infrastructure whilst also providing a high quality service.