Malta International Airport plc - November Traffic Results

On 5 December, Malta International Airport plc published the November 2013 traffic results. The statistics reveal a 17.8% increase in passenger movements to a monthly record of 249,133 – thereby extending this year’s record streak into the first full month of the winter season. The growth in passenger traffic in November 2013 was due to an 18% increase in seat capacity to 325,915 seats whilst the seat load factor was practically unchanged at 76.4%. (Seat capacity is the number of seats available across all served routes whilst the seat load factor refers to the amount of seats taken up.)

The airport operator stated that almost all major markets reported growth during the month of November. Double digit growth was registered in the number of passenger movements from Spanish (+37.2%), Italian (+25%) and the UK (+14.9%). Passenger movements from Germany also increased by 5% whilst the French market registered a 3.5% drop.

January to November 2013

During the first eleven months of the year, MIA registered a 10.4% increase in passenger movements to 3,816,740 – a record number of passenger movements during this period and already higher than the number of annual passenger movements recorded in 2012, surpassing last year’s annual record of 3.65 million passenger movements by 4.6%. The 2013 growth reflects the 10.2% increase in seat capacity to 4.83 million seats coupled with a marginal increase in the seat load factor to 79%.

The largest growth in passengers emanated from the Italian (+18%) and the French (+12.1%) markets. Passengers from Germany (+8.1%) and UK (+4.2%) also grew during the first eleven months of 2013 whilst those from Spain contracted by 1.8%.