Malta International Airport plc - July Traffic Results

On 5 August, Malta International Airport plc published its July 2014 traffic results. The statistics reveal an 8.5% increase in passenger movements when compared to the same month last year to a record of 511,243 passengers. The increased passenger traffic was due to an 8.2% rise in both seat capacity and aircraft movements. MIA reported that the seat load factor increased by 0.2 percentage points during the month to 82.8%.

The largest growth in passengers during July was registered from the French market with a 19.9% increase in passenger movements (following the increase in traffic from Paris and the recently introduced route from Nantes). Other notable increases emanated from Italy (+15%), the UK (+9.4%) and Germany (+6.1%).

Malta International Airport’s CEO Mr Markus Klaushofer explained that the July 2014 results were even better than the results obtained in August 2013. He also commented that he eagerly awaits the August 2014 figures.

January to July 2014

During the first seven months of 2014, MIA registered a 7.9% increase in passenger movements to 2.4 million when compared to the same period last year.

Meanwhile, last week, the Company revised upwards its passenger movement forecast for 2014 to 4.2% to an estimated throughput of 4.3 million passengers. The initial estimate for 2014 was for a growth rate of 2%.