6pm Holdings plc - New Subsidiary in Ireland

On 18 March, 6pm Holdings plc announced that in line with its expansion plans, it opened a new subsidiary Six-PM Health Solutions (Ireland) Limited in Limerick, Ireland. The subsidiary is 70% owned by 6pm Holdings plc whilst the balance is held by Mr Anthony O’Carroll who has over 25 years experience working with hospitals in Ireland. Through this collaboration, the newly set-up subsidiary will be inheriting all of the business activity of Medrex Systems (Ireland) Limited which was previously owned by Mr O’Carroll and who will now be the Managing Director of the Irish subsidiary.

Six-PM Health Solutions (Ireland) Limited currently employs 13 peopled with future employment growth expected. The key business activities of this new subsidiary are document management services, microfilming, scanning, off-site storage and resale of equipment and consultancy. These services will also be complemented by the solutions of 6pm including iFIT, Climate-HIV, Strokepad, and the CareSolutions suite.

The announcement noted that the subsidiary is expecting to start delivering business value immediately as service contracts are already in hand.