Malta International Airport plc - Upgrade to 2014 passenger forecast

On 31 July, Malta International Airport plc held a press conference at which it announced an upgrade to the passenger movement forecast for 2014. MIA upgraded its passenger movement forecast for 2014 to +4.2% to an estimated throughput of 4.2 million passengers following the record first half of the year with an increase of 7.7% in passenger movements. In January 2014, MIA had estimated that passenger numbers for 2014 will be 2% higher than those registered in 2013. Malta International Airport’s CEO Mr Markus Klaushofer explained that this forecast is based on the expected growth during the summer period and cautious optimism for the winter season. The CEO also made reference to the fact that the revised forecast also takes into consideration the negative impact from the unrest in Libya which was a growing market for the airport operator.