Malta International Airport plc - November Traffic Results

On 8 December, Malta International Airport plc published its November traffic results revealing a 10.6% increase in passenger movements to 283,511 passengers – the greatest monthly percentage increase in 2015 so far – on the back of a 9.4% rise in seat capacity over the corresponding period last year as well as an improved seat load factor of 81.3% compared to 80% in November 2014.

Passenger movements from Italy rose by 18% during the month under review. Similarly, passengers from the UK increased by 1.9% and the Spanish market more than doubled given the new operations to and from Barcelona this winter. The Turkish market registered an impressive 63.4% growth in passengers following the increased flights to Istanbul. On the other hand, the French and German markets registered declines of 3.6% and 0.2% respectively.

January to November 2015  

During the eleven-month period between January and November 2015, MIA registered a 7.6% increase in passenger movements when compared to the same period last year on the back of a 5.6% increase in seat capacity given the additional 300,000 journeys that started and ended at Malta’s airport in 2015. In July, MIA had revised upwards its passenger forecast for 2015 to +4.6% to an estimated throughput of 4.5 million passengers. The initial estimate for 2015 was for a growth rate of +2%.