6pm Holdings plc - Share Transfer Agreement

On 11 June, 6pm Holdings plc announced that it has entered into a share transfer agreement to acquire all the shares in Blithe Computer Systems Limited, a UK company, for the total consideration of GBP4.2 million to be paid to its sole shareholder, Peter Wright.

Blithe specialises in the provision of systems and solutions for the management of Electronic Patient Records (EPR) within the health sector with a focus on sexual health and substance misuse. Blithe’s solutions are currently being used by more than 10,000 healthcare professionals in more than 700 locations throughout the United Kingdom. As at 30 June 2014, Blithe had total gross assets of GBP1.28 million and GBP70,509 in profits.

The agreement is still subject to a number of conditions including the successful launch of 6pm’s proposed €13 million 10-year bond issue which is currently being considered by the Listing Authority. The Prospectus which will be published in connection with this bond issue will also contain further information on this acquisition.