- Squeeze-Out

On 4 February, Crimsonwing plc issued an announcement confirming that KPMG Investments Malta Limited, after having acquired 29,506,296 shares in the Company equivalent to approximately 97.7% of the entire issued share capital of Crimsonwing, has decided to exercise its right, as provided for in Listing Rule 11.42, to squeeze-out the remaining shareholders in Crimsonwing, save for in respect of any shares where it is currently precluded from doing so by legal process.

The announcement also explained that the remaining shares will be acquired at the offer price of €0.8327 per share which was determined to be the fair price by Deloitte Services Limited, being the appointed independent expert. A copy of the expert’s report is available for download from here.

KPMG Investments Malta Limited has also informed the Company that it is reserving the right to squeeze-out the remaining shares at subsequent stages.