Hili Finance Company plc - Basis of Acceptance for Bond Issue

On 27 August 2019, Hili Finance plc announced the basis of acceptance in relation to the issuance of €80 million 3.8% unsecured bonds maturing in 2029 and guaranteed by Hili Ventures Limited. The Issuer received applications amounting to €80.5 million. Applications received from ‘Preferred Applicants’ were allocated the first €2 million in full and 84.98% on the remaining amount rounded to the nearest €100. Applications received from the general public were allocated the first €3 million in full and 67.46% on the remaining amount rounded to the nearest €100.

Hili Finance plc noted that interest on the bonds will commence as from 27 August 2019 and refunds of unallocated monies will be made by latest 3 September 2019. The bonds are expected to be admitted to the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange on 4 September 2019 and trading is expected to commence as from 5 September 2019.