Malta International Airport plc - September Traffic Results

On 7 October 2019, Malta International Airport plc announced its September traffic results revealing a 7.8% increase in passenger movements to a new record of 762,361 passengers. The growth reflects a 6.5% increase in aircraft movements and a 7.3% increase in seat capacity. Furthermore, despite the substantial increase in capacity, the seat load factor improved marginally to 86.2%.

The airport operator also explained that the UK, Italy, Germany, France and Spain remained the top five markets for the company. Passenger movements from the UK, Italy and Spain increased by less than 5%. On the other hand, the German market surged by 25.5% whilst the French market contracted by 1%.

January – September 2019

During the nine-month period to 30 September 2019, a total of 5.6 million passenger movements were registered, representing an increase of 6.5% over the previous corresponding period last year. MIA had stated on 17 January 2019 that it is expecting passenger movements to increase by 5.8% during the whole of 2019 to 7.2 million.