Premier Capital plc - Application for a New Bond Issue

On 4 August 2020, Premier Capital plc announced that it submitted an application to the Listing Authority requesting the admissibility to listing of €20 million 3.75% unsecured bonds maturing in 2026. Premier Capital explained that part of the proceeds are earmarked towards the acquisition of the remaining 10% minority shareholding in Premier Capital Srl which, in turn, is the indirect operator of the McDonald’s restaurants in Romania.

Subject to regulatory approval, the terms of the new bonds are identical to those of the existing €65 million 3.75% unsecured bonds maturing in 2026. Furthermore, the new bonds will be fully fungible with the existing bonds. The new bonds will be available for subscription by all categories of investors, including the general public. Further information on the new bonds will be available in the prospectus which will be published following attainment of the necessary regulatory approval.