Malta International Airport plc - June Traffic Results

On 11 July 2023, Malta International Airport plc published the June 2023 traffic results. Passenger movements exceeded their relative 2019 figures for the sixth consecutive month, reaching a record figure for June of 754,258 passenger movements, which is 4.5% above the comparable figure of 721,565 registered in June 2019. Passenger movements in June 2023 are 25% higher than the movements registered in the same month last year.

The seat load factor for June 2023 stood at 86.3%, which is 2.2 percentage points higher than June 2019. The airport operator explained that seat capacity was also 1.8% higher when compared to 2019.

MIA stated that Italy remained the most popular destination having a 24.5% market share, followed by the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Spain. Notably, Germany has overtaken France to regain its position as the airport’s third largest market.

Since the start of 2023, passenger movements at MIA amounted to 3.43 million, representing an increase of 5.6% over the corresponding period in 2019 and 46.4% above the passenger traffic recorded in the same period last year.

On 18 January 2023, MIA had projected that during 2023, total passenger movements would amount to 6.3 million. This would represent a further 7.7% growth over the 5.85 million passenger movements of 2022 and would translate into an 86% recovery of the record pre-pandemic traffic in 2019 which amounted to 7.31 million passengers.