Daily Market Highlights (15.02.2023)

High trading activity in the shares of BOV and MIA


The MSE Equity Price Index eased by 0.04% to 3,622.987 points as the negative movement in the share prices of MIA and HSBC outweighed the gains of APS, BOV, and Loqus. Meanwhile, two other equities closed unchanged as total trading activity went up to a four-month high of €0.78 million. Download today’s Equity Market Summary.

Six trades totalling 56,835 shares pushed the share price of Malta International Airport plc down 0.9% to the €5.65 level. Yesterday, MIA announced that for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, passenger movements exceeded their relative 2019 figures. Indeed, the January 2023 traffic of 379,335 passenger movements is 3.9% higher than the same month in 2019, albeit it remains 9.3% below the record figure of 418,096 passenger movements of January 2020. Meanwhile, the seat load factor for January 2023 stood at almost 77%.

Also amongst the large companies by market value, HSBC Bank Malta plc dropped by 1.6% to the €0.93 level across three trades totalling 13,569 shares.

Bank of Valletta plc was today’s most actively traded equity as 407,410 shares changed hands, having a market value of €0.38 million. BOV traded at a tight range and closed the session 1.1% higher to the €0.94 level.

Also within the retail banking sector, APS Bank plc advanced by 0.8% to the €0.62 level across four deals totalling 10,376 shares.

Loqus Holdings plc surged by 14.7% to a 6-month high of €0.25 across 1,631 shares.

GO plc traded flat at the €2.90 level on two trades totalling 3,170 shares.

A single trade of 37,500 shares left the share price of Mapfre Middlesea plc at the €1.50 level.

The RF MGS Index moved 0.33% lower to 878.591 points as eurozone yields extended recent gains with the German 10-year bund yield reaching an over 1-month high of 2.47%. Eurozone industrial production in December 2022 dropped by more than expected as it fell by 1.1% compared to the previous month. Meanwhile in the UK, the annual inflation rate eased for the third consecutive month to 10.1% in January 2023, below expectations of 10.3%. Excluding food and energy, the UK core annual inflation was at 5.3%, also below the previous month’s figure of 6.3%.



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