Daily Market Highlights (20.10.2022)

MSE Equity Price Index resurfaces above the 3,600 mark


The MSE Equity Price Index moved higher for the third consecutive day as it advanced by a further 0.12% to 3,602.899 points. The gains in APS and RS2 offset the drop in PG whilst HSBC, IHI and Farsons closed unchanged. Trading activity in equites contracted sharply to €0.05 million compared to €0.79 million yesterday. Download today’s Equity Market Summary.

Simonds Farsons Cisk plc was the most actively traded equity today as it remained at the €7.55 level on a total of 3,980 shares.

A single deal of just 1,000 shares left the share price of International Hotel Investments plc at the €0.71 level.

Also among the large companies by market value, HSBC Bank Malta plc stayed at the €0.75 level albeit on light volumes.

Within the same sector, APS Bank plc climbed by a further 2.5% to recapture the €0.625 level on low volumes. Yesterday, APS announced that it will be starting to deliver briefing sessions to the public with a view of keeping the market abreast about the Bank’s performance. The first Market Briefing will be taking place online on Thursday 27 October following the announcement and publication of the financial statements for the 9-month period ended 30 September.

The ordinary shares of RS2 Software plc advanced by a further 0.7% to the €1.36 level across 5,082 shares. Shareholders as at close of trading on Wednesday 2 November will be entitled to a 1 for 8 bonus share.

Elsewhere, PG plc retracted by 0.9% to the €2.12 level across 7,000 shares.

The RF MGS Index trended 0.27% lower to 862.834 points amid a broad rally in sovereign bond yields. Yesterday, the Federal Reserve published the results of a nationwide survey showing that in general, economic activity in the US continued to expand modestly. Retail spending remained relatively flat reflecting lower discretionary spending. On the other hand, travel and tourist activity rose strongly on the back of continued strength in leisure activity and a rebound in business travel. The central bank also noted that manufacturing activity is holding steady amid easing supply chain disruptions but the underlying dynamics of the property market are being challenged by high interest rates.


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