Malta International Airport plc - January Traffic Results

On 7 February 2020, Malta International Airport plc published the January 2020 traffic results. Following the record passenger movements handled during 2019 showing an increase of 7.4% to 7.31 million, the airport operator kicked-off the new year with continued growth with an increase of 14.2% during January 2020 to 418,096 passengers. MIA also added that despite the significant increase of 11.3% in seat capacity, the seat load factor improved by 1.8 percentage points during January to 71%.

Amongst MIA’s largest markets, Italy recorded a significant increase of almost 10% in passenger movements. The UK (+5.1%), Spain (+12.5%) and France (+39.4%) also posted notable growth, with the increase across the French market reflecting the inclusion of the Lyon and Nantes routes in the winter months for the first time. On the other hand, the German market saw a contraction of 9.6%.

On 29 January 2020, MIA announced that it is expecting an increase of 2% to 3% in passenger movements in 2020 to a new record of 7.5 million passengers. Furthermore, the airport operator set out record financial targets and also unveiled its long-term vision for the airport revealing details of an investment of circa €100 million in a terminal expansion.