Daily Market Highlights

July 10, 2023

MSE Equity Price index exceeds one year high


The MSE Equity Price Index reached a fresh one-year high following today’s slight gain of 0.04% to 3,773.333 points. The gain in HSBC outweighed the declines in PG, Malita and Grand Harbour Marina. Meanwhile, three other equities closed unchanged as the total trading activity in local equities was muted at €0.05 million. Download Today’s Equity Market Summary.

HSBC Bank Malta plc closed 1.7% higher at a one-month high of €1.22 across three trades totalling 4,299 shares. The bank will be publishing its interim financial statements on 1 August.

On the other hand, PG plc declined by 2.1% to a three-week low at the €1.90 level over three deals totalling 2,100 shares.

Similarly, Malita Investments plc slumped by 3.2% reaching a one-week low of €0.60.

Likewise, Grand Harbour Marina plc shed 3.1% to the €0.63 level on a single deal of 12,500 shares.

Meanwhile, Bank of Valletta plc closed unchanged at the €1.23 level across ten trades totalling 13,845 shares after touching an intra-day low of €1.17 (-4.9%).

Malta International Airport plc traded flat at the €5.55 level on two deals totalling 1,20 shares. The company will shortly be publishing its June traffic results.

Lastly, International Hotel Investments plc failed to hold onto to the €0.535 level to close unchanged at €0.53.

The RF MGS Index eased by a further 0.02% to a fresh all-time low of 861.334 points, as the decrease in the prices for long term MGS outweighed the gains in the short-term securities. Currently, the Treasury is offering two Malta Government Stocks to retail investors. The offers will close on Wednesday 12 July 2023 or before at the discretion of the Accountant General. The securities being offered are (i) 3.55% MGS 2026 (V) at 100.00% and (ii) 4.00% MGS 2038 (I) at 100.00%. These stocks can be applied for in multiples of €100 and up to a maximum of €499,900 (nominal) per person.


This report contains public information only and is not to be construed as investment advice or an offer to buy or sell any securities. Information contained herein is based on data obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but no representations or guarantees are made with regard to the accuracy of the data. Stock markets are volatile and subject to fluctuations which cannot be reasonably foreseen. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Rizzo, Farrugia & Co. (Stockbrokers) Limited is a company licensed to undertake investment services in Malta by the MFSA under the Investment Services Act, Cap. 370 of the Laws of Malta and a member of the Malta Stock Exchange.